مشتقشده از مغز استخوان
[99] observed that murine bone marrow-derived M2-like macrophages activated in vitro by IL-4 and IL-13 display a more elongated morphology than M1-like macrophages activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and IFN-γ.
This stark difference in the therapeutic effects of macrophages derived from the two different sources was found to result from the ability of the bone marrow-derived macrophages to proliferate in vivo, unlike splenic macrophages, which are relatively mature and differentiated.
In addition, cultured bone marrow-derived macro- phages from diabetic db/db mice showed a more M1-like phenotype than macrophages from non-diabetic control mice, even under identical culture conditions [47].
, Distinct bone marrow-derived and tissue-resident macrophage lineages proliferate at key stages during inflammation, Nat.
In contrast, during injury, bone marrow-derived monocytes are recruited to the skin, locally differentiate into macrophages and play key roles in wound healing, as discussed previously (Malissen et al.
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